Competitions in Innsbruck Closed – More Celebrations for the French Team

Saturday June 1st was another busy day on the range on Eggenwaldweg in Innsbruck, offering the world’s elite the second World Cup competition for this year’s ranking. One more start in female and in the male category for the World Cup, combined with starts in the Austrian Open, with the possibility of a final participation, made some shooters from the field end up with no less that four starts during these two days. But we see the raising need for events like this, mixing the top-class shooters with young and medium advanced athletes. This approach supports continuity and learning by presence. We have seen rookies from the year before being well placed in both World Cups and a new, curious generation advancing in the second line. Let us hope for more such competitions for the future.

As for the results, no new record on the second day, but the record holder from the day before stepped to the top of the podium again. Dimitri Dutendas (FRA) won the second day with a score of 394 and took the lead also in the world 10m ranking. Second place went to Jakub Novák (CZE) with 392 – he obviously likes this range, given his one victory here in the last year. Third place went to Louis Fürst (GER) for the same score of 392, using a countback rule in this case.

In the women’s category, the French team celebrated a double victory. 1st place went to Coline Hamelin (placed 2nd the day before) with 390 points; that makes her the leader of the world ranking. The 2nd place belongs to Lisa Roettelé for a score of 389 points and the third place was won by Monika Hurschler (SUI) with 388.

The two-day event ended up with a traditional musical evening. Special IAU recognition awards were handed over to Manfred Hofbauer, the soul of the competition, and Friedl Anrain, the organization co-ordinator in recognition for their year-long contributions for the advance of the world crossbow sport.

We look forward – although the IAU does not have an official confirmation yet – that there will be a new issue of this successful event in 2025.

Check here for the results and here for the actual world ranking.

Good-bye Innsbruck, hello Wil!

World Cup 10m Match Kicks Off with a World Record

The traditional Austria Open event around Corpus Christi holidays in Innsbruck opened the saison in the 10m Match Division series of World Cups. On day one, the first relay of the men’s competition brought a result of the extraordinary class, just one point close to the absolute score of 400. Dimitri Dutendas (FRA) scored a row of tens (100, 100, 100, 99), just with a single close 9 in the 39th shot, and raised the 10m world record to the value of 399. The holder of the previous world record, Romain Meignan (FRA) finished second with a total of 394. The bronze medal was won by Simon Eiglsperger (GER), scoring 393 points.

The women’s category brought another type of difference. The medal winners (1. Marie Roy / FRA, 2. Coline Hamelin / FRA and 3. Jolanda Prinz / GER) scored all the same result of 389 points, so that the medal value had to be decided by the value of the last series of 10 shots. Moreover, places 4, 5 and 6 followed by a score of 388 – which is promising for the upcoming competitions for the world ranking placement.

The second issue of the 10m World Cup will continue on the next day.


Invitation to Wil - 30m and 10m Match Crossbow World Cup 2024

Eidgenössischer Armbrustschützenverband (Swiss Crossbow Shooting Union) is proud to invite the world's elite marksmen and markswomen to the second World Cup for Crossbow (Match Division) in Wil, Switzerland. This event is an excellent opportunity to showcase your skills and compete with top crossbow shooters from around the globe.

The competition will include two starts in the 30m discipline and one start in the 10m discipline. Arrivals and training are scheduled for Thursday, Aug 1st; on the next day, one start in 30m and one start in 10m disciplines are planned. Last day, Sat Aug 3rd, is dedicated to the second start in 30m and to the award ceremonies in the evening.

We are looking forward to an exciting competition and hope to see you there. Your participation will greatly contribute to the event's success.

Please confirm your attendance and any additional details by Monday, Jul 15th. We look forward to welcoming you to Wil and wish you the best in your preparations for this exciting event. The invitation, timetable and application form can be checked here in the calendar.

Join us in Wil for a memorable and competitive experience!

Invitation to 29th Croatia Cup and World Cup Veliko Trgovišće

Valuable volunteers of Veliko Trgovišće shooting club are preparing for a big match: the 29th Croatia Cup and World Cup Veliko Trgovišće. Traditional hospitality and good organization are a great invitation to the best Field crossbow competitors to come and show their skills.
The competition will be held at the Sports venue "Veliko Trgovišće", A. Šenoe 2, 49214 Veliko Trgovišće, Croatia. Date: 18th to 22nd July 2024.
The organizer managed to get a big discount at Hotel Well (a traditional hotel in Tuheljske toplice). You can make an accommodation reservation using the following link.
We look forward to receiving your applications and hope to see you all in Croatia.
Please refer to the calendar for the invitation and registration form.

The IAU Field Judges Course 2024

The IAU Field Judges course will be held in Plumlov during the IAU Field World Cup. Proposals and other important information can be found at the following link.

Invitation to the IAU World Cup Final - Division Field

The Croatian Shooting Federation and the Zagreb First Civil Crossbow Society will organize the IAU World Cup Final 2024 in Field disciplines.

Based on the application submitted and on the decision made by the IAU Executive Committee, the World Cup Final will be held from September 19th to September 22nd, 2024, at the temporary shooting range at the Zagreb Hippodrome.

The EC IAU has appointed Mr. Jaroslav Liptak, Vice-President of the IAU, as a Technical Delegate to World Cup Final Field 2024.

The invitation letter, information and registration documents can be downloaded from the calendar section.

Welcome to Zagreb for IAU WCF 2024!